Ever have one of those days or moments? You make a decision and take a step then suddenly realize…“oops, this is not what I should have done!”? I know I have, and I’m sure you have too. Truth is, we’ve all been there.
Take this lesson from the children of Israel in Joshua 9:14:
“So the [Israelite] men partook of their food and did not consult the Lord.”
Catch that last part? They did not consult the Lord…That’s what did it, and it cost them bigI
I encourage you to consult the Lord today. For those decision that must be made or for whatever steps you’re about to take, consult Him. I guarantee that He has something to say about the matter, if we’ll just take the time to listen.
Here’s an excellent definition for the word consultant – One who gives expert or professional advice. That, friend, is the Holy Ghost! He is an expert at everything that pertains to you, and His professional advice is well worth the wait!