Glory to Jesus – it’s great to be back in India. After the very loooong trip we were very grateful to have arrived, and realized how much we missed this place; there’s just something about your own house. Know what I mean?
We’re still getting the kids adjusted to 12 ½ hours time difference, so, for the time being, they’re still waking up at about 4 am. We’re still unpacking, and getting stuff situated. This last trip has forever changed our packing philosophy. Now, instead of cramming the absolute maximum amount of luggage humanly possible, we will be traveling as light as we possibly can. That will make future journeys much easier. The miracle in it all is that Jyoti is in total agreement. She genuinely wants to carry and pack less on these international trips. Praise God!
We’ll be keeping you updated on all the ministry developments here, there’s a lot on the plate and we’re going for it! We’re so glad that you are a part of our ministry, and we hope that you sense how connected we are in this.
That IS the coolest thing when your spouse is in total agreement with something!
Praise God for His faithfulness!
Love you guys!