Here are some pictures from this year’s class of Ambassador Academy – Sikkim. Click on any picture below for a larger view. And thank you for continuing to uphold us and our students in your prayers. God is going to use each of them to do mighty things for His glory!
- The 5th class of Ambassador Academy – Sikkim
- Our 11 students, 9 staff, and 11 orphans
- Lunju received a very special gift on her 21st birthday – a new name!
- Lungju’s life has been transformed by the power of God!
- Our student asked us to give her a new name for her birthday. She is now Kezia.
- Inside the classroom of Ambassador Academy – Sikkim where hungry students receive mighty impartations by the Holy Ghost!
- Teaching and preaching the mighty Word of God!
- This young man came to our school with absolutely nothing, he’ll leave with everything!
- Rocky and Rahul came all the way from Rajasthan to attend Ambassador Acadmey
- Two dear sisters from Nagaland being trained in the Word & Spirit!
It’s a good development. We would be happy to receive updates so that we can report about it.