The Problem... - Soul-Purpose!

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Mark 12:24 AMP

“Jesus said to them, Is not this where you wander out of the way and go wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God?”

It’s bad enough not knowing just one, but Jesus said they knew neither…

There are no replacements for knowing #1 the Word of God and #2 the Spirit of God. When we deviate from these essentials we soon wander out of “the way” and “go wrong“. Sadly, it happens all the time, and with the spirit of error at constant work this problem is intensifying.

There’s only one way to stay steady and remedy ourselves from this potential pitfall. That is, simply, to know The Word and to know The Spirit. From within this balance of Word and Spirit flows every answer to every problem mankind will ever face.

In these days we must stick to the Word of God, welcoming the whole council of God’s Word in its entirety. This means no private interpretations and no single scripture stretches (trying to build doctrine from just one source of scripture). I picture the Word of God like a giant connect-the-dots puzzle. We’re not going to see the whole picture by just connecting one or two dots, we need all scripture in order to see the BIG picture!

Equally vital is sticking with the Spirit of God who is the great Power of God. We cannot compromise Him not replace Word for Spirit or vice versa. We need the Holy Spirit in this hour like we’ve always needed Him, and we must know His power!

I encourage you, dear friend, press into God’s Word like never before. I pray a holy hunger would arise! And may you become so thirsty for God’s Spirit and Power that nothing else would satisfy!

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  • Published: 14 years ago on Thursday, November 18, 2010
  • By:
  • Last Modified: November 18, 2010 @ 4:18 pm
  • Filed Under: Latest Updates
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