Everyday! - Soul-Purpose!

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If you want inspiration read the Bible! If it doesn’t inspire you, nothing will. The Word of God and the examples therein are infused with inspiration.

Acts 5:42 AMP

“Yet [in spite of the threats] they never ceased for a single day, both in the temple area and at home, to teach and to proclaim the good news (Gospel) of Jesus [as] the Christ (the Messiah).”

The commitment and unwavering passion that propelled the first believers in Christ to preach regardless of personal cost is enough to set ones heart ablaze. These guys were on fire, and in spite of all the threats against them, they would not be silenced. They were living in the reality of Jesus’ resurrection and hastening His return. Their focus was unclouded. Everyday mattered.

I’m inspired by their persistence in the face of persecution, their radical zeal regardless of constant resistance. Their commitment was off the charts, and their willingness to give it all for Jesus demands our recognition. Here we are, centuries later, with the same message they had in the beginning, the same resurrection reality and the imminent return of Christ before us. What are we going to do with it?

What we do daily is a reflection of what we do daily. Take up your cross daily like Jesus said (Luke 9:23), and you will make sure everyday is eternally significant. If they could do it, so can we. Let God’s word inspire you today!

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