Genesis 6:8
“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”
Imagine being the only one on the planet who God could extend grace to. Everyone else had so corrupted themselves that there was absolutely no hope left for them. The whole earth was so covered in violence and evil imaginings that God was ready to completely wipe out the human race, but you found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
That’s the story of Noah, one called a ‘preacher of righteousness’. No message of his is recorded in the Bible, just his life style. We’re told that Noah walked with God.
Noah’s message was one of righteousness in the midst of moral decay. And these are the days we’re living in, the days of Noah, which Jesus said would precede His return.
We see a world full of corruption with God’s judgements looming in the not so distant future. God’s grace has been poured out for all to find, and in this hour the Church will shine as Noah did in his day. Like Noah, we the children of God, must uphold a message of uncompromising righteousness. If we do, we too will find God’s amazing grace empowering our lives, and not only us, but our entire families will enjoy the fruits of our devotion.
When you choose to live right, you find grace in His sight!