A2PJ (Ambassador Academy – Punjab) is running full force! We’re still waiting on our total count of students as they’ve been trickling in, but we’ve had 18 from the beginning. 8 of them had not been baptized in the Holy Spirit yet, so that was one of our first orders of business. Now, all of our students are speaking in tongues, and revelation knowledge is increasing.
I’m back in Sikkim now, and will be returning to Punjab on Monday for another 2-week assignment. My first two weeks there were full of the powerful ministry of God’s Word in the A2PJ classroom. I ministered mostly on the subjects of New Birth, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the Grace of God. Additionally, I was able to lead a dying man to Jesus the day before He crossed over into eternity. I believe he is with Jesus now.
This Monday I’ll be returning to Punjab with my father-in-law, Pastor D.K. Limbu. He will minister to this batch of students for one week and teach them on the subjects of Worship and Prayer. It is going to be a powerful time of ministry! Please continue to uphold us in your prayers. Pray for our travel, our team, and our students. Believe with us for God’s perfect will to be done!
With love,
Mike Van Buskirk
P.S. Pictures coming soon!