What I’m seeing more and more of these days is fire without foundation, spirituality without sound doctrine, manifestation without meaning. It’s dangerous and it’s deceptive. And, honestly, it’s not real.
Deception is sensuality wearing a spiritual disguise.
To provoke the senses, and to seek what seems sensational, apart from revelation of the Word of God is dangerous ground, and it’s a great opportunity for demonic activity as well. There’s only one way we’ll able to spot what’s not, and that’s to know what is. Knowing the Truth (Jesus) in a deep and intimate way is the only sure protection from the rampant deception in existence today.
It’s not enough for the pastor or preacher to know Jesus, you have to know Him. It’s not enough for me to lead someone into a ‘supernatural encounter’ full of feeling, unless that person is willing to go all the way with Jesus! I’m honestly bothered by the shakes and jerks and the yelling and shouting, the laying on of hands for some special impartation. I mean, come on!
From what I can tell, Moses laid hands on one man. Just one, his predecessor Joshua. Paul, Timothy. These spiritual giants weren’t playing games with the anointing, touching everyone they could get their hands on. They understood the sacredness of spiritual impartation, and it’s time the body of Christ understood it again.
Whatever ‘it‘ is, if it’s not producing intimacy with Jesus. It’s not worth it. If it flows out of intimacy, however, then whatever it is, is well worth it. Intimacy is the key.
Stay safe, know Jesus.
Check out this post for another look at danger.