Every preacher, teacher, missionary/apostle or whatever else you want to call them is first just a local boy or gal. It was even true in the life of Jesus…
Mark 6:3
“Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.”
Jesus was just another one of the boys in the eyes of many, and that messed with their religion. They were offended at Him because He was just like everybody else, but at the same time very different than anyone else.
What made this local boy different?
Well, of course, we know being the Son of God makes a huge difference but we have to remember, Jesus was 100% man too. He had to go through the same process of discovery that any of us have to go through. He had to make decisions that affected His destiny, He had to resist temptation, and He had to submit to God, just like all of us. And that’s what made Jesus different; He did all of those things.
The local boy from Nazareth became the most influential person in history, and His life serves as an example to each of His disciples today. Rest assured, those familiar with you might get offended too. They might think or say, ‘who do you think you are’? They might not understand how God could use little ol’ you. Your ‘localness’ could prove to be a shock when God raises you up in ‘greatness’.
Just remember where you come from, keep yourself humble, and let the people around you know they can do it too! We’re all just everyday people, and that’s who God uses. Everyday people can impact people everyday!
Remember! June is “Soul-Purpose” partnership month – Get involved today! Click here for more info.