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Mark 11:17 – “Is it not written, My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations?”

The church is to be a house of prayer; a house that contains prayer and a house that is built out of prayer. Prayer is the spiritual material by which God constructs. This is His original design.

A praying church is a healthy church.

Sadly though, prayer meetings are often the least attended of all meetings. The church is packed on Sunday with people who want to hear something. The church is half full on Wednesday with those who are a bit hungrier than the Sunday crowd. And then there’s the prayer meeting with just a handful of folks at the most.

I know this isn’t an all-inclusive description, but I do not it does accurately describe many churches around the world. How about yours? What’s the answer? You are. Will you make your contribution so that His house can truly be a house of prayer for all nations?

Prayer is so vital that a lack thereof is the primary reason for minimal results. That is reality as I see it. Time to pray.



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  • Published: 16 years ago on Friday, January 30, 2009
  • By:
  • Last Modified: January 30, 2009 @ 3:26 pm
  • Filed Under: Uncategorized
  • Tagged With:


  1. brandi says:

    That is so true…We just sit around and wait and wonder why things arent happening as the word says it should….But we need to speak the word for it to manifest in our lives!!

    Good one, Mike! 🙂

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