Ambassador Academy - Punjab - Soul-Purpose!

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At the end of this week I’ll be taking a trip to Kapurthala, Punjab to help launch this session of Ambassador Academy discipleship training. This two-month session of training is designed to lead God’s people into an intimate encounter with Jesus, and propel them into a lifetime commitment of discipleship. Jesus’ command to disciple nations must be fulfilled (Matthew 28:19-20), and this is part of our effort to do it.

Here’s a link to a promotional page for the training session.

Graduates from 2011 session

We also have a facebook event setup, which you can find here.


We’re expecting approximately 20 students in Punjab this year, and our first order of service during our launch week will be to lead them all in the baptism of the Holy Spirit – one of my favorite things to do in the world!

There are several ways you can get involved with this event:

  1. Pray – My travel will be between March 16 – March 23, and the full session of training will continue through May 15th.
  2. Consider visiting as a teacher – If you are an able teacher of God’s Word, we could use your help! Because of the distance from our home base in Gangtok, Sikkim and the school in Punjab, it’s difficult for us to provide a steady flow of teachers. If you’d like to participate in this, get in touch with us by commenting at the bottom of this post and we’ll see what we can work out.
  3. Give – Our contacts in Punjab have estimated a $3,000 budget for this session of training. That works out to just about $150 per student. You could sponsor a student or sow any Spirit-led amont and help us make more disciples!
[donation-can goal_id=’ambassador-academy-punjab’ style_id=’default’ show_progress=true show_description=true show_donations=false show_title=true title=”]


Thank you so much for your prayers and support! If you’d like any more information about Ambassador Academy, just leave a comment below.

For the harvest!
Mike Van Buskirk

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