Camp Supernatural was a huge success. We had about 20 youth join us for the three day camp, and we anticipate great expansion in the coming years. This youth camp has the potential of making a huge impact, and with the ginormous amount of youth in India – you can imagine what God could do with this.
Our greatest goal from the camp was to encourage our youth to make “daily devotion” an ongoing part of their lives. We had a devotional time each morning, split the youth into small groups, had sessions of ministry encouraging intimacy with Jesus, and we also sent the youth on some outreaches.
During our two outreaches that lasted a total of just about 4 hours. Our young people preached the gospel to nearly 200 unbelievers, leading many to Jesus and praying for the sick! Many had never heard of Jesus before – ever! Our second outreach was a “treasure hunt” where each team prayed out the details of their outreach and went and sought out what God showed them. One of the biggest testimonies from the “treasure hunt” goes as follows:
One of our teams, “The Fireballs”, prayed out details regarding a young lady by the name of Deepa. Consequently they went looking for her. Along with other clues the Lord gave them, they shared Jesus with many, but Deepa wasn’t found. Another team, “The Devil-backbreakers”, had also prayed out some details. The clues led them to a family with a daughter who was sick. The sick daughter’s name was Deepa! They led the young girl along with her family to the Lord, and prayed for her healing!
It truly was Camp Supernatural, and our youth are more fired up than ever. We’re going to keep the fire burning and we’re already looking forward to next year’s camp. We’re thankful to all who prayed and sowed into this event! I’ll get some pictures put together soon, and share them with you.
God Bless!
P.S. Two of the youth who came to this camp didn’t know Jesus – they both accepted Him as their Lord & Savior!