West Bengal - Soul-Purpose!

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This week I want to give you a small glimpse into the vast harvest fields of West Bengal, the state of India that borders our southern Sikkim tip. In an area smaller than the size of the U.S. state of Indiana lives between 90 and 100 million people. Of those precious people it’s estimated that less than 2% know Christ. That leaves millions who have literally never ever heard of Jesus, they have no idea who He is, and therefore have never had the opportunity to make Him the Lord of their lives.

The Bengali’s, who make up the majority of the populations of West Bengal as well as the bordering nation of Bangladesh, are one of the least reached people groups on the planet. When you add the populations of West Bengal to Bangladesh you have the enormous task of reaching nearly 250 million people for Christ.

I bring the state of West Bengal and the Bengali people to your attention because I need your help. We must do all that we can to empower the laborers of the gospel God has connected us with, so that they can reach their people. We have scores of Bible School graduates in West Bengal who are serving on the front lines of this harvest. One of the ministries we partner with is featured in the pictures below:

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Graduates take boats like these to reach remote village islands.
Bible School graduate, Bapi, leading a small fellowship of believers.

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The young lady, Samali, standing and sharing is a new leader in the church.
Bible School graduate, Suvojit, sharing the gospel in a village fellowship.


Recently, one of the pastors in this area shared with me his need for two things.

  1. Bibles in the local language.
  2. Bicycles to assist in reaching out.

Another network pastor in West Bengal is making preparations to build a new church on donated land. I could go on and on about the many needs, visions, and plans in the hearts of dear laborers of the gospel among this vast unreached people. Would you please join me in praying for West Bengal, and the Bengali people. And, if the Lord impresses you to get involved in a physical way, by sending financial support, we can meet these practical needs together. I would like to gather an additional $1,000 this month just for West Bengal. Please join your faith with mine.

For His Harvest,
Mike Van Buskirk

P.S. Below you’ll find the last message I taught on a series about our “Secret Life in God”. God bless!

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