All for the Glory of Jesus! - Soul-Purpose!

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God is so good! But I bet you knew that already. And isn’t it a wonderful thing to know? When our hearts are rooted in His goodness we enjoy a peace available no other way, and it makes it easy to preach yourself happy too! Added bonus 🙂 .

Alright, here are some updates that are rooted in the Lord’s goodness. Go ahead and rejoice with us for the great things God is doing!

First, for the month of March, we’ve started a new teaching series focusing on the glory of the Lord! We’ll do our best to make the mp3’s available online so that you can listen in. Our website is back up and the current series can be found here: Glory-Series.

I also have some good reports from our extended ministry family in West Bengal. We’re so very thankful to all of our dear ministry partners who enable us to sow into the good work God is doing through our graduates, here are some pictures of recent advancements:

New construction for the church in West Bengal.

New construction for the church in West Bengal.

I would like to add, this construction is still going on, and the team on the ground has told us they need an additional $750 to complete the work. We’re standing in faith with the team, and if this is something you would like to participate in, please let us know. So far we’ve sent about $400, and we’re praying about what we can do next.

New bicycles for village preachers!

New bicycles for village preachers!

We supplied two bicycles for village preachers in West Bengal. Pictured here is a Bible School graduate who serves in a village near the Bangladesh border. They use the bicycles to get around faster and easier with the gospel.

We sowed 100 Bibles into a graduates ministry in West Bengal.

We sowed 100 Bibles into a graduates ministry in West Bengal.

There’s no gift greater than God’s Word! We are honored to help supply Bible’s where they are needed. As these are placed in the hands of new believers, we believe the Words of God will produce abundant fruit in and through their lives for His glory.

Thank you again for standing with us. We are honored to share these updates with you, and we greatly appreciate your prayers.

For the glory of King Jesus!
Mike Van Buskirk

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