Here’s what’s coming up!
Our Summer Survivor Youth Camp targets youth 13-19 years old who don’t know Jesus! This year we are expecting 50 youth, half from our locality and the other half from another town that we plan to start a new outreach in. The majority of the kids will come from families and homes who don’t yet have the gospel, but July 1-4 we have the opportunity to change that!
All of these kids also come from homes where paying for youth camp is not on the priority list, and charging a fee would be a hindrance to all the kids coming from outside the church. So, we don’t charge the families anything for the camp. It’s completely free — but as you know it still costs money, and we’ll gladly pick up the tab.
This year we’re doing our camp in a different town so that we can focus on reaching young people in a new community, which we plan to start a new work in soon after the camp. We found a great place at a great price! The total cost for 50 youth is only going to be about $750.00; which is just $15 per kid.
If you’d like to help — you are more than welcome! I met Jesus in a youth camp when I was 15 years old, so I know the value of this and I believe young lives will be touched!
With Love,
Mike Van Buskirk
P.S. Most of those reading this already know my heart, but I just wanted to remind you that nothing we do is about money — it’s all about what God is doing and the opportunities we have to invest into the work of the gospel. We are confident that God will meet every need — and He uses His people to do that. But I hope you never sense any pressure from us. I’ve been learning to live by faith ever since I first met Jesus in 1996, and for the last 15 years I’ve been doing it right here in India. I know how to trust God, and that’s not boasting. I say that with all humility and absolute gratitude that He has chosen me to speak on behalf of the needs and opportunities for advancing the gospel here in Asia.