The city of Kolkata, along with its suburbs is home to well over 14 million people. The vast majority of them are still in darkness as they wait for the gospel to shine on them. I lived in Kolkata for the first two years of being in India, and I have seen first hand how desperately the city of Kolkata needs Jesus.
In the Kolkata area we have dozens of Domata India graduates, many of them actively reaching out to their city through various ministry activities. Recently, we have begun encouraging our graduates to meet together regularly to pray and seek God for His perfect will to be done through them.
Graduates meeting in Kolkata for fellowship and prayer last month.
This month, graduates will again gather together and we expect the group to be double the size of last month’s meeting. In the days to come we are praying for a new church to be planted in the city of Kolkata, with graduates working together to establish a transformational work. One of our biggest needs for this to become a reality is a permanent place to meet in on a weekly basis, such a place would also serve as office space for our growing outreach to the Kolkata area.
Please join us in prayer for Kolkata’s harvest, and for the supernatural provision we need to further establish our work there!
With Love,
Mike Van Buskirk