A Covenant Community: Component #2 - Soul-Purpose!

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God is calling us to strengthen the connections we have with those He has connected us to here in India and beyond. Specifically graduates of ours who are out laboring for Jesus in the harvest fields around us. We are linked to men and woman who have gone out and planted churches, they’re preaching the gospel, teaching God’s Word and winning the lost. Our relationship with these dear saints is one of divine origin, and we are committed to strengthening our connection with them.

Disclaimer: A covenant community is not some fancy name for communism…we are not communist’s; nothing good (as far as I know) has ever come out of communism. What we are is committed to a cause! It is the cause of Christ, and his methods involve working in groups who are vitally connected.

The second vital component to covenant, which follows right on the heels of communication, is commitment. Without commitment, we simply will not follow through on our responsibilities. So, the things I’m responsible for, I must commit to. This encompasses two huge areas of my life: one is to pray, and the other is to give. Those are my responsibilities, and those are the things I must commit to. I believe my prayer life, and the way I steward the increase God brings in my life, are the two dominating areas that I can covenant with other in.

Here’s the power of commitment: when I commit, my faith is released. If I avoid commitment, it really shows a lack of faith and perhaps even a bit of fear. I’ve learned from personal experience that when God puts something in my heart, the most powerful thing I can do is say something about it. Tell someone, make a commitment, and get my faith working. If, however, I say nothing, then that thing that was in my heart may never come to pass simply because I failed to commit.

There’s really tons more that I could say…perhaps I will in the future, but I want to leave it at this for now.

Communication + Commitment = Covenant

We will build upon these simple components as we continue to build a “covenant community” with those we’ve been called alongside; called together to gather fruit for eternity.

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