October 28th we celebrated our son Joshua’s 10th birthday. We’re so thankful for this little man and the wonderful work of God we see in his life.
Looking back on the last 10 years with Him, there are so many memories. He has always been so kind, thoughtful and generous, and he’s always showed great desire for the things of God. Jyoti and I have done our best to not allow ministry life to interfere with family life, which at times has been a challenge. In the end though we’ve found that we just need to serve God together. So our kids are as much a part of our ministry as we are. At the same time we always make sure to enjoy life together, and we’ve learned to make ministry fun too.
In another 10 years Joshua will be 20, and it’ll be exciting to watch Him grow on the foundation that has been built. If I could choose one thing about being a dad that has taught me the most, it would be the importance of displaying a life of love for my kids to follow. They need to see me loving God, their mom, and others, and what a great responsibility it has been to show them what love looks like.
Well, we sure love you! Thanks for standing with our ministry and our family to see the perfect will of God done in India and beyond!
Mike Van Buskirk