What we long for is to have an eternal impact on the people we come in contact with. That is done first by maximizing the relationships we already have, but it also involves going out of our way to make contact with more people. Making more contact means we can have a greater impact.
I’ve mentioned before some students we are going out of our way to make contact with, and for the last three years the impact is being made!
In this group of over 90 students from all over Sikkim, only two come from Christian homes. That’s right – 2! That means, this year, we were able to sow eternal seeds week after week into precious lives who might otherwise never hear the gospel.
These are also the children who participated in this year’s “Bible Quiz”; pictured here is the winner!
She is a sweet little 3rd grader who too is from a home that doesn’t know Jesus. We noticed that she answered way above her age, and after asking how she managed to do so well, she answered, “my dad helped me.” Imagine that! Not only are the individual students being impacted but potentially their entire family as well!
We are so thankful for the opportunity to make an eternal impact, and we thank you for being a part of it. Your prayers and support are helping us to touch many precious lives.
With Love,
Mike Van Buskirk
& Family