2016 is off to a great start! On the very first day of this year a great new relationship began with a local army platoon. Pictured here is Solomon who, along with all our other Hope Home children, received gifts during a special New Year celebration.
We were also able to share the gospel with several of the men, including the commanding officer! Another commanding officer recently contacted us, and he also wants to meet us. Thank God for these open doors!
Jyoti and I had a very blessed time Stateside. It was a quick two week trip, and we are very thankful for the time we were able to invest in prayer and in strengthening relationships. Now we’re back in India (trying to stay awake), and we’re full of anticipation for what God has ahead of us this year. We’re off to a great start, and we’re just getting started!
Thank you again for your precious prayers and support!
With Love,
Mike Van Buskirk
P.S. In case you had any difficulty viewing the report I sent last week, here’s a link: Annual Report (a larger screen will give you a better view). I’ll also be working on a new report focusing on last year, so stay tuned!