There’s a big world, and lots of options; some near and some far, but all equally important. God may, like He did in my life, put a particular place in your heart. For me, it began after I was born again, sitting in a classroom at North Eugene High school. I had dropped out my freshman year, and after I met Jesus, I re-enrolled in a new school. I found out that I would have to take one of the same classes twice, to make up for lost credits, and it ended up changing my life.
As I sat in that Global Studies class, and as we studied the people and culture of Southeast Asia, my life was forever changed. I can say with confidence that I was the only one with tears in my eyes as we watched films of that region. I just knew I had to go. Later, India became the clear focal point for me.
God could put a place in your heart; a specific nation or region. Or, He might just say Go! It’s up to you to respond in faith. What I can say about going to the nations is this: Go their first in prayer. In fact, you can span the globe right from you living room in the spirit through prayer. A man of God rightly said we have no right talking to men about God, until we’ve first talked to God about men. Wherever you’re going, you’ll first go in prayer, and during those times of prayer God will deposit vital direction in your spirit.
Before I ever went to India in person, the Lord spoke to me while praying. During one such time He said, “India is the Nation of Salvation!” Those words have been fuel to my fire ever since. I went to India many times in the spirit, before I was on that first airplane in route to Mumbai. Those times of prayer were essential to all that is happening today.
So again, wherever the Holy Spirit says to go, go in prayer and the rest will follow.
Thanks I needed to hear these words at this time more than you will ever know. When I think of just giving up
Sonja Woodruff