To the Nations! Part 5 - Soul-Purpose!

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How will you do it?

How are you going to accomplish what God has put in your heart? He has called you to go, and go you must! But how?  After all, the ‘how to do’ is just as important as the ‘what to do’.

I’ve learned a major key in doing anything of significance for the Lord; it’s huge, gigantic, and even enormous. This one thing, I must posses in ever increasing measure. It is the grace of God. For it is by His grace that I will go, connect with people, work in a team, and ultimately fulfill the perfect will of God for my life. Grace.

I’m going to use just one scripture to shed light on why this is so vital; not because there aren’t other scriptures, but just for the sake of time and because this is one of my favorites.

2 Corinthians 9:8 – It helps to read it in the Amplified Bible, so here it is:

And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation].

It is the grace of God that does it. His grace puts you over the top – in every area. This abounding grace creates all sufficiency, in all things. Not some things but all things, and an abundance for every good work! That verse is loaded.

It’s not a matter of needing more money, or better things. It’s not about having all the right connections, or anything else we are tempted to rely on. Those are all secondary. What we need more than anything else, and which we must posses in abounding measure is GRACE. That is how you will do it.

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  • Published: 17 years ago on Tuesday, February 12, 2008
  • By:
  • Last Modified: February 12, 2008 @ 4:08 pm
  • Filed Under: Uncategorized
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