Addict to Ambassador! - Soul-Purpose!

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During this Christmas celebration, as we celebrate the Eternal Gift found in Jesus Christ, I want to share with you one young man’s journey out of addiction to becoming an ambassador for Christ.

First the scripture found in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

Now for the story:

From addict to Ambassador!

Nothing is impossible with God! He can change any life and make any person new! Andrew’s story is just one of so many others who have experienced the same life-changing encounter with Jesus.

We first met Anil while he was strung out on drugs and alcohol. He comes from a hindu family whose history is littered with tragedy. Two of Anil’s older brothers both died due to alcohol related health failures, and Anil recalls the devotion of his mother to perform her hindu rituals while their family was being destroyed.

After receiving Jesus and being born again, he joined us in Sikkim for three-months of discipleship training. We’ve had the honor of watching him give his life to Jesus,

Anil pictured in the Levi's shirt the day he surrendered his life to Jesus.

Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and be baptized in water.

Anil's public display of faith in Jesus!

He now joins ranks with our 50 Ambassador Academy graduates!

Graduation day!

As he prepared to be water baptied Anil requested a new name, and we immediately sensed the Spirit of God say, “Andrew”! The significance of this new name is found in the biblical story of Andrew, who was himself the first one in his family to follow Jesus, and through whom Peter was later brought to Christ.

Anil, like Andrew, is also the first in his family to come to know God’s love, and many others will follow. After just a few weeks of returning home he’s already brought two of his friends to the Lord.

Transformed lives, like Andrew, transform lives! He went from addict to ambassador for Christ and his story has just begun.

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  • Published: 14 years ago on Friday, December 24, 2010
  • By:
  • Last Modified: December 24, 2010 @ 9:47 am
  • Filed Under: Latest Updates
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  1. Karie Franks says:

    PRAISE GOD!!!! Thank you for sharing his story!

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