What you’re saying has a great impact on what’s happening around you. And though most of us recognize the power of our words, we don’t always use them at full capacity. One of the hinderances to releasing the power of our words is understanding the connection between our thought life, attitudes, and the words that we speak. They all go together.
It’s one thing to speak a word, but it’s quite another thing to speak that word from a heart of humility and complete dependence on Jesus. Sometimes we tend to think that words alone create, and there certainly in an inherent power present in the spoken word. But I believe we need to place even greater emphasis on the heart behind the words.
Jesus pronounced deliverance over the Syrophenician woman whose story is recorded in Mark chapter 7. The climax is recorded below:
Mark 7:29
“And he said unto her, For this saying go thy way; the devil is gone out of thy daughter.”
What she said wasn’t so much a proclamation of faith as it was a demonstration of heart. She was humble and completely dependent on the Lord. Her words were simply that, “even the dogs under the table eat of the children’s crumbs” (verse 28). On the surface is doesn’t seem like a great display of faith, but because of the condition of her heart, great faith was released!
Her attitude caused words to be spoken forth, which brought deliverance to her daughter.
Words really are full of power, and they stem from the hidden attitudes of the heart. True deliverance requires both; the right words and the right attitude, and usually if you have one you’ll have the other too.
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