We just returned from our second trip to Baraily village in east Bihar. This is the village the Lord led us two after we went searching for a place we could help after a very destructive storm hit the area back in April. We believe the Lord led us to Baraily and we know He has a great plan for the people there!
![Baraily Relief Baraily Relief](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs530.snc3/30134_403208688497_823328497_4145488_4053120_n.jpg)
This time, we helped two families by purchasing bundles of tin for their rooftops. Our goal is to invest a small amount of money into each family's home in the village and our prayer is that their hearts will open as they see the love of God in action!
Year’s of darkness, poverty and demonic oppression have left the people in Baraily, as well as the entire surrounding area, very hardened. We learned that the nearest church is about 20 miles away, which might not seem very far to people in the west or in more developed countries. But for the people we’re reaching out to, this is quite a long distance and it means there are literally thousands of people without access to a place of worship. This, by the grace of God, we hope to change!
There are many people to reach in this new territory the Lord has given us. Please continue to pray for us and for the people of Baraily village.
For the harvest!
Mike Van Buskirk