Ministry is messy. Often inconvenient and uncomfortable. When crowds begin to form, there’s no telling what might happen. You just have to be ready.

But because of the crowd, they could not get him to Jesus. So they made a hole in the roof above him and let the man down in front of everyone.
Mark 2:4
It’s because of the crowd and for the sake of the crowd that we do what we do, and the crowd is made up of individuals just like me and you. The crowd, with all its faults and failures. The crowd, with all manner of issues. The crowd.
Because of the crowd you’ll have reasons to rejoice. Because of the crowd you could easily be crushed, and at times you will. The crowd might even mess up your house (like in the story from Mark chapter 2), but the crowd is always worth it.
Jesus loves the crowd because in the crowd are men and women, boys and girls, all precious in His sight. So we welcome the crowds, and we realize where God is, crowds will often gather.
Who, among the crowds of humanity, are you drawn to most?
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