Being helpful... - Soul-Purpose!

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2 Timothy 4:11 AMP

“Luke alone is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is very helpful to me for the ministry.”

What an honor, to be named as one who is very helpful for the ministry. The Apostle Paul needed help, and while many abandoned him and still others did him harm, there were those faithful individuals like Mark who stood by him and helped. I believe every Christian should aspire to become helpful in some aspect of ministry.

In our local churches we should seek to be helpful. We should help our pastors. In relation to world missions, there are a multitude of ways we can help. Being helpful in the ministry of God’s Kingdom is a calling we must all answer, and those who do will experience the greatest joys of fulfillment in this life.

In terms of helpfulness, how would you rate yourself? And since I’m speaking as a missionary, let’s think in terms of missions. How helpful are you in terms of supporting the mission’s vision in your local church, or the missionaries God has called you to support?

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Now, what are some things you can do to become even more helpful? If you need some ideas, or want to help in missions, let me know…(by the way, it’s not just about money / although that is a great way to help).

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  • Published: 14 years ago on Tuesday, January 11, 2011
  • By:
  • Last Modified: January 11, 2011 @ 10:39 am
  • Filed Under: Latest Updates
  • Tagged With:


  1. Peter ONI says:

    I will keep praying for everything you are doing in the field in India and beyond. God bless.

  2. That is a HUGE help – thank you Peter!

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