There are “best practices” for just about everything. From parenting to preaching, web design to water sports, so on and so forth. You name it, there’s a best practice for it. Best practices are the best methods available and have a proven track record of effectiveness.
Well, what about the gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit? What are the “best practices” associated with those? There certainly are things we can do and attitudes we can maintain, which create the right atmosphere for God to move in.
Here’s one example:
1 Corinthians 1:7
“So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ:“
Coming behind in no gift, here, is related to our waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. So we gather, a best practice in relation to the gifts of the Spirit, are to live in expectation of the Lord’s return.
He is coming! Waiting and living in full expectation of that reality creates an urgency in us, and a connection is made with the will of God to manifest Himself in preparation of Christ’s return. If ever we lose sight of the Lord’s soon return, it becomes easy to sink into inactivity and we disconnect from what the Lord wants to do right now.
As you wait for His return, He will develop in you the gifts which must be in full manifestation before He returns. So, if you have a desire to “come behind in no gift”, which you should, what’s the best practice?
Wait in expectation for the soon return of Jesus!