Our Survivor Youth Camp was a huge success and has marked the beginning of many more to come. This year we had 30 youth and with camp staff we neared 50 total participants. Our goal was 50 youth, but even though we were under that I believe God hand picked each one who came. There lives were radically touched and they will never be the same. Now, one of the greatest experiences of fun in their young lives is associated with the amazing love of Jesus. That’s just what we wanted them to see; that Jesus is the most wonderful and amazing person in the universe and life with Him is awesome! After attending the camp they see that more clearly than ever.
Most of the youth who attended came from families who don’t know the Lord, which was our goal. Now each of those families have a witness for Christ as we led each of the youth to Jesus during the camp. Through this we’re going to see lots of fruit in the future!
I want to thank each one who prayed for this camp and for all those who support our ministry. With your help we hosted an excellent event and I expect a great boost in momentum for our local youth ministry; together we are touching many precious young lives!
God Bless!
Mike Van Buskirk