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2010 KidsBlast!

We had a blast ministering to boys and girls this year right before they headed back to school! We organized outreach in three places during three days with a rotation of three teams, and we had a combined total of just under 100 boys and girls come to the event.

Because most all of these children come from religiously dark family situations, the opportunity to minister the gospel to them is a huge success. We give God the glory!

Here’s a highlight video:

Bringing the gospel to precious boys and girls in Sikkim, India!

February 17, 2010  /  No Comments ››

A.I.M. Spotlight – Pastor Samuel

Pastor Samuel Sen Gupta is a friend and fellow minister of the gospel who is laboring in the harvest fields of North Bengal and beyond. The Lord is using him mightily to reach precious souls and to make disciples.

In this video you’ll have the opportunity to meet Pastor Samuel, learn more about his ministry, and find out how you can be a part of what God is doing through him.

Ministry overseer, church planter, crusade evangelist and more – Pastor Samuel is making a big difference in the nations!

February 1, 2010  /  No Comments ››

Our honor & privelege…

“Rescuing boys and girls from a life of uncertainty…giving them a hope and a future!” That’s our vision for the “Hope Home” outreach of our ministry, and God willing we will see many such homes opened.

The Lord has blessed us BIG with the children in our Sikkim “Hope Home” and He has BIG plans for each of them. What a joy it is to watch this wonderful plan of His unfold.

God has given us precious boys and girls to invest our lives into, and…

January 20, 2010  /  No Comments ››

Christmas Highlights – Part: 3

This video is the grand finale! Lots of fun with our family, extended family, and ministry staff opening Christmas gifts. We had a great time watching the fun and excitement in all the children as they opened presents this year, that’s always the funnest part!

Thank you also to everyone who…

January 1, 2010  /  No Comments ››

Partner Ministries