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Hands Held High

From Embassy of Hope Church in Sikkim, a message of freedom and victory through the mighty Word of God. Learn how you can keep your hands held high!

May 25, 2010  /  No Comments ››

A.I.M. Spotlight – Rupesh Tamang

It’s always a joy for me to share with you the ministers of the gospel we have the honor of being connected to. It’s my prayer that by sharing these ministers and their ministries with you, that you will be encouraged to pray and that the Lord would further direct you in how to participate with the awesome work that’s happening here.

Rupesh is laboring in the harvest fields of Darjeeling, West Bengal where he is planting churches, winning the lost and making disciples. Please pray for this passionate laborer of the gospel.

April 28, 2010  /  No Comments ››

Hearts of Faith

Faith in God is a powerful force, but the power of faith depends completely upon what is happening on the inside of a persons heart. In this teaching learn how your faith cannot work if your heart isn’t right.

March 22, 2010  /  No Comments ››

Doing What’s Right

We’ve continued on the subject of “the heart” at Embassy of Hope Church in Sikkim. In this teaching, learn about how doing what’s right is a matter of the heart.

March 15, 2010  /  No Comments ››

Partner Ministries