I want to give you all something to look forward to; that is if you enjoy connecting directly to what God is doing through national laborers in India and the surrounding nations. You may or may not have heard me talk about the A.I.M. project or A.I.M. fund. A.I.M. stands for Ambassadors in Ministry, and I’m working on getting some content posted that focuses directly on this facet of our ministry.
Through the A.I.M. fund, we seek to partner with graduates and national ministers who the Lord has connected us to. There is no limit to what we can do, as the Holy Spirit leads. Anything from building churches, to funding gospel crusades, to buying cows and everything in between can be accomplished; all in the spirit of being a blessing and further funding the gospel in India & beyond!
We believe that a big part of our calling is to connect you to the BIG picture here, which is the front liners who are out there doing the work of the ministry in the harvest fields of these nations. There are already many opportunities before us, and we look forward to communicating many of them to you in the days to come.