Not to be mistaken with commune…though community and a commune are relatively similar. The big difference is that we’re not into control, and we don’t live together, and we don’t share everything…okay – I guess there are lots of big differences; anyway.
The concept of community, and how it relates to our ministry network, is a big deal to me. I believe that it is vital for God’s people to be connected and for that connection to be strong. Later this week, I’ll be meeting up with 30-40 of the ones that I consider myself “in community” with. These guys and gals are serving Jesus on the frontlines of this society. Many of them are pictured here, with more details on each coming soon.
So what is the big deal? It’s all about the spiritual connection we share, which is God wrought. Do you have any thoughts on how to maximize a God connection, or how to recognize one?