It is a necessary thing to do; call it building oneself up, re-joicing, or whatever else. The bottom line is this; we need it. Ministry requires constant encouragement, and it isn’t always readily available from anywhere besides within.
Oftentimes I find encouragement in reminding myself that what I’m doing now isn’t just for now. Let me explain; sometimes we don’t see the results or the fruit that we know we’re destined to see. Sometimes, you’re not really sure if what you’re doing is making any significant difference at all. When thoughts and feeling like those come, it’s time for a dose of encouragement.
It encourages me that though I may not ‘see’ all that is in my heart to see, or the fruit may not be totally evident; I’m not building for now, I’m building for eternity. One day it will all make perfect sense. We cannot become discouraged by the lack of now results; perhaps we’re not supposed to see those results now. God has the big picture in mind. The things that we’re doing for Him are relevant to eternity not just the present.