Everything we need... - Soul-Purpose!

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John 4:25 AMP

“The woman said to Him, I know that Messiah is coming, He Who is called the Christ (the Anointed One); and when He arrives, He will tell us everything we need to know and make it clear to us.”

Everything you need to know Jesus wants to tell you, and everything you need to know only He can make clear. Why would you look anywhere else? Why would you seek out any other voice?

Jesus is the source of everything you need. Everything. Every singe thing. Every hearts desire, every insight, every answer. All of it is found in the One who is called the Christ; Jesus the Messiah.

I say with absolute certainty, there is no other who has ever been or who will ever be of which such claims can be made. Every religious icon falls short, every spiritual teacher or guru is found wanting. There in no other supply in which every need is met. Only Jesus.

Put your faith where you may, but only in Jesus Christ the Messiah can you with confidence say, “I have found everything I could ever desire or hope for, all of it is found in the One that bears the name Jesus, my everything!”

Jesus…everything we need!

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  • Published: 14 years ago on Thursday, December 2, 2010
  • By:
  • Last Modified: December 2, 2010 @ 10:20 am
  • Filed Under: Latest Updates
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