The coolest definition of grace that I’ve seen is straight out of the Strong’s concordance. It is this: the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life.
Did you catch that part about reflection? There absolutely must be evidence of the grace of God in every child of God’s life, and I believe that ultimately the reflection should be seen in every area of our lives. The simple key is this; turn up the influence, and you’ll increase the reflection.
So, you’ve got to ask yourself…”how do you turn up the influence of grace?” Well, there are many things that God’s word says we can do, which in turn will cause grace to abound, and when grace abounds it is a wonderful thing.
I’m kinda deciding how much to blog about this…let’s see.
Along the same lines, check out 1 Timothy 4:15, it talks about our “profiting” being “evident". Again, some things just ought to be visible.