Over the years the Lord has graciously allowed us to participate in establishing an epicenter for His glory here in Sikkim, India. We believe the Lord has a fantastic plan for this strategic state, which borders Nepal, Bhutan and China. Though progress has at times seemed slow, we are experiencing breakthroughs like never before, which we believe is only going to continue and increase!
An exciting new development for our local outreach is that we’ve recently opened a new fellowship location in our city. We still meet on Sunday’s at our main Embassy of Hope campus, but the rest of the week we’ll be utilizing our new Hope City Church location.
We’ve been standing in faith and praying for a city location for a number of years now, and we thank God for this great answer to prayer. We’re already praying out our next step of expansion, which could include a larger meeting place in the city. For now though, we are extremely thankful for our new venue.
As I mentioned last week, there are several items that we’re in need of as we expand into multiple locations. Many of these needs are in the audio visual department. Our plan is to upgrade the system at our main campus, and then use our existing equipment in the new location. We’ll also need to install some new equipment in the new place as well. Doing this will also bring us closer to our goal of producing a weekly television program, which we’ll call HopeTalk.
Our budget to meet these initial needs is $5,000 which will be enough to upgrade and expand. This is all part of the gospel going forth here in India, and if you’d like to help us with this project we would certainly appreciate it.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
With love,
Mike Van Buskirk