I love seeing God at work! He is so wonderful in the lives of His people and it’s such an honor for us to put Him on display. The Lord is at work here in Sikkim, and I want to share a quick testimony with you this week.
This is a testimony from a young lady in the Church named Suja. We always emphasize hearing from the Holy Spirit and being led by Him, and Suja who has known the Lord for just a few years is taking this to heart. Something we believe the Lord wants to do more and more is to give us specific direction – words of wisdom and words of knowledge – so that we can impact the lives of those who don’t yet know Him.
Suja recently visited her neighbor’s home and stepped out in faith with the unction of the Holy Spirit. She had just one word come up in her heart as she spoke with her neighbor who doesn’t yet know the Lord, the word was “widow”. She knew her neighbor wasn’t a widow, but she couldn’t get away from that word. At that point, many would just stop. Reasoning that it doesn’t make any sense, but Suja went ahead and asked her friend if there were any widows nearby. The neighbor said yes! They then called this dear widow woman and found that she had been diagnosed with a kidney disease. Now God is at work in the life of the widow, as well as the neighbor! Why? Because one of His children stepped out in faith by the leading of the Holy Spirit – glory to Jesus!
2 Corinthians 3:3 AMP
“You show and make obvious that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, not written with ink but with [the] Spirit of [the] living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”
That’s what we are, letters from Christ! Written by the Holy Spirit to be read by the world around us. I want to encourage you my friend, follow the unction of the Holy Spirit and see what God will do through you!
With love,
Mike Van Buskirk