God has a plan... - Soul-Purpose!

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Genesis 45:8

It was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.”

If we can learn anything from Joseph’s experience it’s this: God has a plan! In the darkest hour, and least likely circumstance, God is working things out, and His plan will not be thwarted. In fact, whatever it is you’re going through right now, so long as you’ll continue to trust God, it’s working to contribute to the unfolding plan of God in your life.

It’s tough sometimes to see God in the middle of what we’re going through. If it was ever tough for anyone, it would be Joseph. But it’s true. He is there, right smack dab in the middle of the most trying of times. It doesn’t mean that whatever is happening to us is God’s best, we may have very well gotten off somewhere, but even that – if we’ll learn from it – will contribute to the perfect will of God in the end.

Keep the plan of God in front of you friend. Remember, He has a plan. Don’t let anything blind you or distract you from that reality. Let God work it out. Trust Him and in the end you’ll see – He had a plan all along!

June is “Soul-Purpose” partnership month – Get involved today! Click here for more info.

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