His voice is more precious than words can describe; that voice that rises up from the inside. The more we set our hearts to hear, the clearer His voice becomes, and the more near. We’re listening Lord.

Jeremiah 18:2
“Go down at once to the potterʼs house. I will speak to you further there.”
Sometimes God must get us into a certain place to speak to us further. Jeremiah was sent to the potter’s house to hear the voice of the Lord. If we’ll follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and be in that place God has appointed, we too can have an appointment with a divine word from God.
Not being in the appointed place, at the appointed time, could mean missing vital instructions alltogether. And as valuable as the voice of God is, that is nothing less than a tragedy.
We pray that you will hear from God more clearly and more precisely than ever before. We’re living in unprecedented times, and the need to know the voice of the Holy Spirit has never been more important. God is speaking, what is He saying to you?
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