One of the greatest expressions of grace is its ability to take us beyond ourselves. I believe that’s the whole point. God enters our life in such a dramatic way, infuses us with His very nature, and then uses us for His glory. It’s amazing grace through and through.
On this subject, one of my favorite portions of scripture is 2 Corinthians 9:6-8. Verse 8 climaxes with the fantastic promise that “God is able to make all grace abound toward us”. That verse finishes with an explanation of why God would do that. Why? “That we might abound to every good work.” That’s what the grace of God does; it enables us to abound to every good work. Glory to Jesus!
I want nothing more than this: The ability to abound to the good works around me. We are committed to doing all the good we can. To help as many as we can, and to be the biggest blessing we can be. This is my and my family’s life purpose.
As you know, there is lots of good work to be done. It’s true all over the world, and certainly true here in India. We can’t help everyone, but we are committed to helping as many as we possibly can. Such is the case with one dear family in Punjab. We don’t know this family, but we have a partnership with the local church there. We are partners in the grace of God, just as you partner with the ones God has connected you to.
Through the local church we have committed to help rebuild an impoverished family’s home. Pictured below is where this family of four currently lives.
The home is tiny, unfinished, and gets flooded when it rains. When Pastor Victor told us he wanted to do something, and that they needed just about $1500, I thought “YES!” Absolutely, this is why the grace of God is upon us – To abound to every good work. We’ve already sent half the amount and look forward to seeing the progress. Such projects speak volumes to the community and are a wonderful testimony of Jesus to other families in need.
So, I want to say thank you again to all of our wonderful partners. Together we are blessing many! I have a Facebook page setup for these kinds of projects where I make opportunities like this one available from time to time. It’s called “Out of the Ashes: Disaster Relief”, and if you’d like to join you can do so by clicking HERE.
With love,
Mike Van Buskirk