I know you’re getting this a day late, but I just want to say Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there. You all are so precious and a gift to your family. I know just by watching my wife, Jyoti, that it’s not an easy job by any means. The responsibilities are numerous and that makes you a perfect candidate for God’s amazing grace.
I enjoyed sharing on the subject of mothers at church on Sunday. The message can be found here. In India, we are participating in the wonderful restoration process of marriages and families of which moms play such a vital role. My wife and I have both come from broken families and have seen first hand the devastating results of neglect on the home front.
For the moms I want to say – “Grace to you!” For the dads – “Encourage your wife!” And for the children – “Honor your parents.”
As always, we thank you for your prayers and support. We continue to see the work of God all around us and through your partnership you are right here with us. We had another new college students in church on Sunday. Revival is brewing!
For King Jesus,
Mike Van Buskirk