Welcome to 2015!
We have great expectation for this year. We know God has great things in store for His people, and we believe that through willingness and obedience we will experience God’s best. This scripture is strong in my heart as we launch into 2015…
Isaiah 1:19
“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.”
By the grace of God I am purposing to be more willing and obedient than ever before, and I anticipate more of God’s goodness to be manifested than ever before too.
We had such a wonderful time during the holiday’s. It was celebration after celebration with Jesus in the center of it all. Here are a few highlights from our December 25th Christmas outreach.
Our children sharing the story of Christmas!
Some of our boys dancing for Jesus!
The house was full and the gospel proclaimed!
We also had a great time with the church brining in the New Year. Together we looked back on 2014 and I shared progress that we made, which also shows us how much more God wants to do through us. Here are some of our 2014 totals:
- In 2014, we had 140 first time visitors in our local fellowship and in our outreaches shared the gospel with close to 400 people. As great as that is, when we compare it to the total population of our city, which is around 100,000 people we see that we reached only 0.4% of the population.
- Since the middle of last year we also began logging our prayer strength as a local church. Our goal is to cover the whole year in prayer, which equals 8,760 hours. We logged 3,892 hours which equals about 44%.
- Financially, the local church collected Rs. 215,951 which equals close to $3,500.
We thank God for what we were able to accomplish through prayer and outreach last year, and for the generosity of the church through which we were able to touch many lives. Having our numbers from last year helps us know exactly how we can increase this year. We are going to be stronger in prayer and we are going to be stronger in outreach. We’re also expecting great increase in the local church financially to help fund the gospel in and around our city.
Thanks again for your prayer! We’re wishing you all of God’s best in 2015.
Mike Van Buskirk