I’m having a great time at Fire for the Nations! This is the missions conference hosted by World Outreach Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and it has already been amazing after only the first day. We still have until Wednesday, and then another two days of meetings for ministers. This is a very important time of refreshing and helps us to reconnect with the vital members of Christ’s body we are connected to.
While here Stateside I miss everyone back home. I’m incredibly thankful for my wife who works so hard and takes care of extra business in my absence. The Lord has given us a great ministry team, which makes ministry progress possible.
I want to quickly update you on the progress of one of our Out of the Ashes projects. If you recall, we’re helping to rebuild a home in Punjab for a Christian family. This is in partnership with a local church in the area, which is how we believe we can best administer relief.
Galatians 6:10 says, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”
We can see the special emphasis on helping dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and that can be best done in partnership with local churches. Here’s a picture of the house construction progress.
We want to thank you again for your continued prayers and support. I’ll continue to send updates while I’m here in the States.
This weekend I’ll be at Harvest Church in Mobile, Alabama.
With love,
Mike Van Buskirk