“To bring glory to the King,
To honor Him in everything,
With each step ordered aright,
To live a life pleasing in His sight.”
When we remember that our lives are lived “in His sight” it will cause us to be aware of each step, aware of each word, and even the thoughts we think, which are hidden to all but Him.
2 Chronicles 27:6
“So Jotham grew mighty, for he ordered his ways in the sight of the Lord his God.”
The reason Jotham grew mighty has everything to do with how he lived His life. He lived for the One that sees all, hears all, and knows all. It’s one thing to be conscious of the eyes of men, eyes that are always watching. But when we live our lives aware of His ever present gaze we don’t have to worry about what someone else might hear or see; if He’s pleased that’s all that matters.
Remember friends, He’s watching. Order you ways in His sight, and grow mightily in the sight of all!