I don’t believe life should be complicated. I don’t think it’s God’s intent for us to have to wonder, which is why He has made things so plain in His Word; they are, simple instructions for a simple people. Even the most complex of matters, God has simplified to the point of ease. All of redemption, for example, He has simplified into two very understandable terms…bread and wine.
Life becomes complicated when we ignore, or choose anything other than the simplicity found in His Word. It really is as easy as this: good or bad, right or wrong, holy or unholy, clean or unclean, etc.
In Leviticus 10:10 God says,
“You shall make a distinction and recognize a difference between the holy and the common or unholy, and between the unclean and the clean.”
These distinctions must be made and the Word of God reveals them all. In the New Testament, we’re told to discern between good and evil (Hebrews 5:14); those really are the only two categories. There’s no gray middle, no in-between. Just good and evil.
Life certainly does become much easier when we make these distinctions and recognize these differences; it eliminates all the confusion. I encourage you today, don’t complicate life. Keep it simple. Just take God at His Word and accept what He says, then allow His Word to govern your life. If you do, you’ll experience the wonderful blessings that come with a life that is God centered.