It's so...weird! - Soul-Purpose!

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For the past 14 years now I’ve been passionately pursuing the love of Jesus. To know Him intimately and to make Him known powerfully has and will continue to be my life’s mission. I love Jesus with all my heart. I desire truth and what is right. He has filled me with His love and righteousness and sometimes along the way I forget. I forget how weird the world is and how weird (bless their hearts) people can be.

It’s a sad reminder sometimes when you witness first hand the corruptions of this world. While trying to help, while opening your heart and even your home to welcome and love the lost, sometimes weirdness shows its funny face.

You have to remember from time to time the reality of the world in which we live. People and sin go hand in hand. Sinner is not a derogatory term or mean label, sinner is the condition of every individual without the redemptive work of Christ. People lie, they cheat and steal, they take advantage of others, and that’s just to name a few of the naturally occurring works of sin that work through the lives of sinners’.

So yeah, the world is weird. People make it so. But we love them anyway, and we must never, ever, ever let them go.

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