Living under an open heaven... - Soul-Purpose!

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Matthew 3:16 AMP

“And when Jesus was baptized, He went up at once out of the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he [John] saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him.”

When the heavens are open in your life you’ll live under heaven’s influence and will see from God’s perspective. It’s the kind of life God has planned for each of His children, and it is available to anyone who will follow the example of Jesus. When the heavens were opened in the life of Christ it marked the beginning of His ministry and life of power. That initial “open heaven” experience set everything else in motion, and He continued to live His life under that open heaven till the very end.

Every child of God needs an “open heaven” experience, and we must each learn to keep the heavens open over our lives.

One thing which made Jesus’ open heaven experience possible, and which I’m convinced is the key to maintaining an open heaven in life, is found in the preceding verses…

“But John protested strenuously, having in mind to prevent Him, saying, It is I who have need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?” John 3:14 AMP

Put yourself in John’s shoes; imagine the Son of God coming to you, to be baptized by you! Imagine the feeling of utter shock and insufficiency, which is exactly what John the baptist voiced on that cosmic day. Now put yourself in the shoes of Christ; approaching your creation, the very ones you came to redeem, and you The Creator asking the creation to baptize you. It is mind bending on both sides, and we see both parties display an absolutely incredible amount of one indispensable ingredient necessary for the heavens to be opened.

What was that ingredient? Do you see it? Share your thoughts, if you’d like, and we’ll continue this amazing journey toward an open heaven in the next post…

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  1. alan says:

    Really liked the concept of an open heaven , is the ingredient respect?

  2. That’s a great thought Alan! I’ll be posting my thoughts soon…

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