The Lord has privileged us to be able to bring the gospel to some very unreached areas; places that have long been bound by darkness, where despair abounds. There are thousands of villages like this all over India, where the people are terribly oppressed and completely impoverished. Those places are desperate for the gospel, and we must reach them.
We are making progress, and we know there’s much more to come. In one such village our missions team recently visited and encouraged local leaders, won new souls, and baptized new believers. It was a very fruitful trip.
While in the village our team leader met a dear woman whom he didn’t recognize. She came and began hugging him asking him if he remembered who she was. He didn’t remember the woman, but she explained how he prayed for her during our last visit to her village. She was dying of cancer and was told by doctors there was nothing that could be done. There was no hope.
This time, through her tears and with deep gratitude, she thanked us for the gospel because she’s now completely healed. Glory to God!
We sure appreciate your prayers and support. With your help we’re able to take the life transforming power of Jesus to precious people like this dear women who was healed of cancer. We look forward to many more testimonies like this one, as we reach further into darkness to set captives free!
With love,
Mike Van Buskirk