Loving greetings in Jesus mighty name! I trust you are well and blessed; walking in and enjoying the grace of our Lord and Savior!
I wanted to share with you what The Lord has led me to teach on in the church this month. On Sunday, I began a new teaching series entitled “Instruments of Righteousness”; you can view and listen to the teaching series on our website by visiting this LINK.
With this focus, I’m emphasizing service and utilizing our gifts and talents within the local body of Christ. My goal is to release more of the local believers into fulfilling their God-given potential, which is part of the bigger picture of making disciples and fulfilling that part of the great commission.
This is an ongoing process within our mission. In order to reach more people, and win them to Christ, we must raise up more of God’s people who are Christ’s hands and feet within the community. It’s exciting to watch it all unfold, and we thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Until next week, God bless you!
Mike Van Buskirk